Equine Guided Coach

Spirit of the Horse & Heart
Where horses help you
find your light
At the age of 16, I met
my first horse,
Midnight Sun -
an angel who taught me more than any
human could, and who started me on the path of changing my life's story.
Since then, I have wanted to share horses and their gifts with people in whatever way I could because I know, without a doubt, that horses help us be the best 'us' we can be. Over the years, I have worked in various capacities with children, horses, parents and riders. The essence of each of my jobs was to help 2 legged and 4 legged beings honor who they are and learn to respect themselves and others.
I am excited to bring all of that experience together in Spirit of the Horse & Heart. As an Equine Guided Coach, my job/joy is to facilitate your journey with aid from the horses. This journey may include finding inspiration, healing, connection, discovery and/or growth. Whatever path you are on, we are delighted to be of service. Please scroll down to meet the herd and learn a little more about me.
On a 10 acre farm in the incredible
beauty of Door County, WI, I live
with my husband, five horses, a dog,
a cat, some fish and a flock of
chickens, and I look forward to
sharing this space with you.

Horses live in a place of authenticity. They provide a safe space of no judgement and unconditional love where people can connect with their inner wisdom. Being animals of prey, horses are extremely sensitive and intuitive. They are huge receptors of emotional information. Horses mirror back what we humans are feeling and help us notice our emotions and learn from them rather than trying to mask or avoid them. Horses guide people to to their own power and offer a path to self love.
Services Offered...
Experience the Grace of the Horse - A vacation activity you'll not want to miss!! Come join us in the meadow. Leslie and the horses will show you how they communicate with body language. Each participant will have an opportunity to bond with a horse through grooming, as well as leading a horse over obstacles while participating in a silent conversation. The sensitivity and awareness is amazing. For ages 7 and up. No experience necessary. There is no riding. This is an outdoor event so please dress for the weather. Minimum group of 2, maximum group of 8.
1 hour - 2 people- 120.00 (3-4 people - 50 each 5-8 people - 40.00 each.)
Thoughtful Connection - for school groups. With help from the horses, Leslie will show students the impact of clear and thoughtful communication. After a demonstration and some discussion, the students will have the opportunity to have a conversation with a horse and begin to notice the small emotional responses offered by the listener.
Groups up to 20. 5th - 12th grade. 1.5 hours 180.00
Communicating with Kindness - for equestrians. Set up a clinic or private lesson at your own barn. Gather a group of friends who want to deepen their communication with their horse partners. Do you feel that there is something missing in your conversation, are you confused about your horses behavior in certain situations? Each horse and rider will have individual time to work with Leslie identifying the gaps in communication. Learn to notice the horses half of the conversation and their subtle emotional responses to your requests. Watch your partnership blossom!! (see video page)
Please call for more details. 920-421-1012
Compassionate Social skills - for kids ages 8-18. Individuals or groups of 4-6. With the horses, each child is honored and embraced as they are. Horses are not impressed by clothing nor judgmental of emotions. They accept you as you are. To be in the presence of a horse is to be in a space of unconditional love and acceptance. With thoughtful attention, you can discover new ways deal with difficult situations with respect and grace, learn from your emotions, enhance your language skills, and experience the resulting positive action.
1 1/2 hours 180.00 per group Package of 4 sessions 660.00
Personal Growth - Each of us has a story of who we are. Our story is formed by the information we receive externally. If our story is bothersome to us, there is work to be done. Through guided meditation and activities, the horses will help you be present and find your way back to your authentic self, and then you can begin to write your own new story from a place of love.
1 hour 120.00 Package of 4 sessions 420.00
Find Your Inner Wisdom and Beauty - Experience the calm of the horses and discover the possibilities of a peaceful existence. Horses mirror what is going on inside of us and show us in a new light what we are feeling inside. They help us connect to our true selves. Spend time getting to know the horses and learning about their behaviors and how they think. There will be guided activities to share with the horses.
1 hour 120.00
Writers/Artists Workshop - Bring your group out to sit in the meadow among the wildflowers and be in the presence of the herd. Their serenity and presence will provide you with a space of clarity in which to write your next prose or paint your next landscape. Each participant will have an opportunity to connect with one of the herd and let them offer you inspiration. Leslie will teach you about horse behavior and body language so you can observe the herd dynamics, and then she will give you plenty of time to sit in peace with your pen or brush and your thoughts. 55.00 per person or 160.00 per group
Energy Healing Emotion Release - Leslie also offers distance energy healing in the form of emotional release. Ordinarily, when we feel an emotion it enters our body and then is naturally released. But when we have a place of vulnerability, mental or physical, and emotion can get stuck in our bodies. These stuck emotions hinder our body's energetic flow. By releasing the stuck energy it helps the body to heal and function at its best ability.
Everything is made of energy and energy travels everywhere, just like your internet connection. Leslie can connect with your energy and ask it to release any emotion that is stuck. You receive a written report of all emotions released at each session. Sessions continue daily until there no stuck emotions remain. It generally takes 4 to 8 sessions for a full clearing. This clearing is done remotely from the comfort of your home. 35.00 per session.
For information on scholarships for any of our services, please call. 920-421-1012
The Herd



Lily -
herd supervisor
Leslie Leline – is an Equine Guided Coach, Early Childhood Educator, Author & Parent Coach who lives in Door County, Wisconsin with Lelines, Equines, Canines, & Felines. In 2010, she received the ‘Early Childhood Educator of the Year’ award from the Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, in 2008, she published a book on parenting called, "The Parent Handbook. A Quick Reference Guide to Positive Communication During Difficult Moments." Leslie has spent the past 30 years taking in troubled horses, helping people improve their communication with their own horse, teaching 3 and 4 yr. old humans, and teaching parents about the words they choose during difficult moments with their own children. Whether working with horses or humans, Leslie’s communication stems from kindness. “I credit my horses for teaching me to be a good teacher. They taught me to notice and be aware. To realize the impact of what we say and how we say it. They taught me patience, consistency, unconditional love and calm. I am who I am because of my horses.”
1 hr
Prices Vary1 hr
Prices Vary1 hr
Prices Vary